Obstetrics and Gynaecology

12 Weeks Pregnant With Twins

Are you 12 weeks pregnant with twins? Continue reading to find out how your babies are developing now that you’re in your second trimester with twins. Learn about twin antenatal classes and the questions you should ask your twin pregnancy care team. Don’t forget to sign up for an email reminder to return for your next twin pregnancy update.

Hey, mama, how are you doing? At 12 weeks pregnant with twins, you’re nearing the end of your first trimester and, hopefully (fingers crossed), the end of any morning sickness.

You’re probably going to wonder about all the things you need to get organized before your little relics arrive now that you’ve passed one of the most worrying times of your pregnancy. We’ve got a lot to get through this week, so make yourself a cup of tea and cross your legs up, mama. You’ve earned it.

Symptoms of Twin Pregnancy at 12 Weeks

You’re almost done with the first trimester. Fortunately, this is the time when your hormones and emotions begin to settle a little. Week 14 marks the beginning of the new trimester. You may notice swelling in your feet and ankles, as well as your fingers.

Stretch marks may begin to appear, so start moisturizing that belly! As your center of gravity shifts, you may lose your balance in some situations, so watch your step and consider putting those killer heels away for a few months.

You may also begin to show by now, and maternity clothing will be required! If your twins share a placenta or have been identified as high risk, your twin pregnancy care team may also have you scheduled for regular ultrasounds.

The chance of having a miscarriage is also significantly lower now that you’re nearly in the second trimester, so if you haven’t already, it might be time to tell family and friends the good news!

Height and Weight of Your Twins at 12 Weeks

Being 12 weeks pregnant with twins, your babies are the size of a plum, measuring around 5cm long and weighing 15 grams each. Within four weeks, your babies will have grown to the size of a large orange each, at which point they will begin to make themselves known from the outside.

Becoming a Member of Your Multiple Birth Club

When you find out you’re expecting twins, it’s critical to find local support from other parents of multiples.

The clubs are frequently run by volunteers who are also parents of multiples. They usually provide a variety of services and support to assist you during your pregnancy and the early years.

Twin Antenatal Classes

If you live in an area that offers antenatal classes for twins, get your name on the waiting list for the next available class as soon as possible. It will be an excellent way for you to connect with other twin parents in your area, which may prove to be invaluable resources once your babies arrive.

Your local Multiple Birth Club will be able to provide you with class information.

If at all possible, you should aim to complete your antenatal care classes by 24 weeks. If you don’t have access to a twin antenatal class, you can discuss your needs with the educator when you make your reservation, and they will be able to discuss your specific requirements with you.

What to Eat During Twin Baby Pregnancy?

You must eat more than usual during a twin pregnancy. If you already eat a healthy and balanced diet, you only need to add about 600 calories to your diet. It will be sufficient for both you and your twins to be in good health.

Twin pregnancy is an excellent time to incorporate healthier food choices that will aid in your baby’s healthy development. Extra protein is needed to develop cells, carbs to stay energized, iron to combat anemia, calcium to fortify babies’ bones, and folic acid to prevent neurological and birth defects in babies.


Protein is required for the formation of human cells and the development of bones in humans. It is an essential component of a healthy pregnancy diet. You must increase your protein intake as a mother of twins.

You can make a trail mix with nuts like almonds, cashews, raisins, pistachios, peanuts, and walnuts, as well as seeds like sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds.

This is a tasty snack that contains more nutrients than just protein. Almonds, for example, provide fiber and Vitamin E in addition to proteins. Selenium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium are also found in cashews.

Eggs are a high-protein food that contains a significant amount of choline. Its Omega 3 fatty acids contribute to developing brain function, memory, and vision in the fetus.

Chicken is another tasty and low-fat protein source that you can eat in a variety of ways to satisfy your taste buds while also getting the nutrition you need.

Whole-grain bread with vegetables such as sliced cucumber, finely chopped spinach, celery, and green lettuce is an excellent way to increase your protein intake.

Peanut butter is a high-protein food. This food also contains B vitamins such as thiamin, potassium, zinc, and niacin. It also contains iron and good fats.


Calcium is another essential nutrient for the proper development of your teeth, bones, and muscles. Because you are pregnant with twins, you require an increased amount of calcium for the appropriate development of your babies.

Dairy foods such as cheese, yogurt, milk, calcium-fortified bread/cereal, soy drinks, and orange juice are examples of calcium-rich foods. Choose nonfat or low-fat foods that will provide you with the nutrition you require without increasing your body fat and weight.


Vitamin A, B vitamins, C vitamins, D vitamins, E vitamins, and K vitamins are all necessary for a healthy pregnancy. To ensure the healthy development of your twin babies, you should increase your intake of this nutrient. The best sources of vitamins are dark and leafy green vegetables, fresh fruits, and dry fruits.

Papaya is one of the best fruits because it is not only high in Vitamin C and Vitamin A, but it also contains proteolytic enzymes, which aid in protein digestion in the body. It is one of the best ways to treat constipation in pregnant women.

Spinach is known to be a superfood for pregnant women. This dark green leafy vegetable is high in folic acid and calcium.


Pregnant women frequently experience constipation due to an increase in the progesterone hormone. It is necessary to drink plenty of water and eat fresh vegetables and fruits to avoid its occurrence.

Include complex carbohydrates in your daily diets, such as whole wheat grains like brown rice, oats, and whole wheat bread. Avoid highly processed and unhealthy junk foods.

Twin pregnancy complications

Because your womb is carrying an extra fetus during a twin pregnancy, you are more likely to experience pregnancy complications such as:

Preterm Labor/Delivery

Preterm delivery occurs when the baby is born before the 37th week of pregnancy.

As you carry the extra fetus in your womb, the length of your pregnancy shortens.

Premature rupture of the ovarian membranes occurs as a result of preterm labor. As a result, the onset of labor occurs before the 37th week of pregnancy.

The premature twins’ bodies do not develop normally. The organs are not fully mature, and the babies are typically small and underweight at birth.

Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)

One of the complications of twin pregnancy is that your twins’ growth rate begins to slow around 30 to 32 weeks. IUGR occurs when the placenta can no longer support the continued growth of your twins.

Your body can no longer handle the growth process as both babies compete for sufficient nutrients.


You are more likely to develop preeclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertension if you have twins (PIH).

With proper prenatal care, you can reduce your chances of developing a severe problem from preeclampsia.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is prevalent in twin pregnancies. The two placentas increase your body’s resistance to insulin production, causing a spike in blood sugar levels.

Birth Defects

Twin pregnancy increases the chances of your newborn twins having congenital abnormalities. Heart abnormalities, neural tube defects (such as spina bifida), and gastrointestinal disorders are some of the most common birth defects.

Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome

It is a medical condition that occurs only when identical twins share the same placenta. The blood vessels in the placenta transport blood and oxygen from one fetus to the other.

Blood flow shunts from one fetus to the other in TTTS via common blood vessel connections. Over time, the recipient fetus receives more blood than the other one. It overburdens the cardiovascular system and raises amniotic fluid levels.

Cesarean Section

Abnormal fetal positions frequently increase the likelihood of cesarean section. However, most twin deliveries are vaginal, and the positioning of the fetuses is entirely dependent on this.


Doctors frequently associate your twins’ low birth weight with preterm delivery.

Your babies were born weighing less than 5.5 pounds (2,500 grams). Twin babies with low birth weight are more likely to develop long-term health problems. Hearing loss, vision problems, cerebral palsy, and mental retardation are all risks of twin pregnancy.

Ask Your Twin Pregnancy Care Team These Questions

Mommy, baby brain is a real thing.

I arrived at many an Obstetrician appointment with a list of questions in my head that would vanish the moment I stepped into the room.

It’s a good idea to make a checklist before going to your appointment, or even better, jot things down in a notebook as you think of them to ensure you cover all of your questions and concerns.

Our article Twin Pregnancy – Questions to Ask Your Doctor will save you the embarrassment of those mid-appointment baby brain moments and will provide you with a great starting point for questions to ask.


Women with 12-week pregnancies are excited and anxious about their pregnancies because they are carrying two lives with them instead of one. They ask about symptoms, precautions, dangers, and diet during this phase. Various symptoms during the first trimester indicate the twin pregnancy. The diet should be appropriate during it; otherwise, birth defects can occur.

A woman with a twin pregnancy is at higher risk of complications that can affect both mother and fetus. Women should stay in contact with their medical experts to avoid complications.

The height and weight of fetus during 12 weeks of twin pregnancy. So, 12-week pregnant women with twins should be aware of all the factors related to twin pregnancy.

We hope this article has helped you about getting all the information regarding being 12 weeks pregnant with twins. If 12 weeks pregnant with twins article has helped you then please do share it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Should I gain more weight when I’m pregnant with twins?

It is a common misconception that the amount of food and calorie intake increases when carrying twins, adding to the expecting mother’s weight. Most women are concerned about how much weight gain they will experience and whether they will be able to lose it after giving birth. There is no reason to follow any special diet or take extra medication unless the patient has an underlying condition that can cause trouble in the long run. Whether there is an extra diet or not, the children will take whatever nutrition they require from their mother’s body.

When do the babies start kicking?

Women who are pregnant for the second time usually feel the kicking earlier (18 weeks pregnant) because they have had the sensation before and know what it feels like. First-time mothers typically feel it later, around 22 weeks.

Do I require any additional antenatal care?

You will need to go in for additional checkups and tests, as well as see your doctor more frequently. Because twin pregnancies carry a certain level of risk, it is critical to monitor their growth to address any complications as soon as possible.

Is a cesarean section considered necessary?

Twin pregnancies are more likely to result in a cesarean birth. Twins increase the likelihood of requiring a C-section. Twins can usually be delivered vaginally if they are both head-down.

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